A history of accelerating the future of energy, together
From its founding and to today, AES has led lasting positive change in the energy sector based on its stakeholders’ most critical needs.

- 1970: Construction of the Chivor power plant starts with the first tunnel, Chivor I
- 1976: Construction of the second tunnel, Chivor II, begins
- 1977: Inaugurates the first stage of the project, Chivor I

- 1982: Inaugurates Chivor II and completes final stage of the Chivor power plant

- 1995: Interconexión Eléctrica SA - ISA, owner of the Chivor plant, transfers all its generation assets to ISAGEN in compliance with excision contemplated in the new Electric Law
- 1996: GENER S.A., a Chilean company, acquires the Chivor power plant and constitutes the Chivor S.A. E.S.P. society

- 2000: AES acquired GENER S.A. and the company begins operations in the country the first time under the name of AES Chivor

- 2012: Starts the construction of the small hydroelectric power plant Tunjita or PCH Tunjita with an installed capacity of 20 MW
- 2016: Inaugurates PCH Tunjita
- 2018: AES Chivor changes its name to AES Colombia
- 2019: AES Colombia acquires the largest wind project under development in the country, the 648 MW Jemeiwaa Kai project in the Guajira region
- 2019: Constructs and inaugurates the biggest solar self-generation project in Colombia for Ecopetrol: the 21 MW Castilla solar power plant

- 2020: Begins construction of the 61 MW San Fernando solar plant, a new self-generation energy solution for Cenit, a subsidiary of the Ecopetrol Group

- AES Colombia was recertified in the EFR model for the period 2024-2027 and moved up to category B of this seal, highlighting it as a company committed to providing a balance between the personal, work, and family life of its employees.
- The project to Extend the Useful Life of Chivor II -EVUC CII- began, which will last for 4 years and aims to prolong the durability of the lower load tunnel of Chivor II through the installation of a new self-supporting pipe over the areas of the tunnel where material wear has been detected.
- AES Colombia joined the Caribe Potencia Energética alliance, a platform that seeks to promote actions to improve the quality, efficiency, and coverage of the electric power service on the Atlantic Coast of the country.
- The firm Aequales recognized AES Colombia as one of the top 50 companies in the country committed to gender equity.
- The development of the Jemeiwaa Ka´I wind project advanced, and in 2024, easements were signed for the electric connection line of these parks with more than 40 Wayuu indigenous communities, which have already begun to receive compensation resources for easements.